Home > Uncategorized > GoogleGlass in Healthcare, at Doctors2.0 …Breaking barriers and spreading the news

GoogleGlass in Healthcare, at Doctors2.0 …Breaking barriers and spreading the news

I had the honor to once again participate in the Doctors2.0 conference in Paris this past June (http://www.doctors20.com) .

If you haven’t heard of it, you are missing out a fantastic opportunity to learn, share and connect with an outstanding group of participants, in both sides of the room, from e-patients to e-doctors, from entrepreneurs to medical students, from industry to consumers.

This is a conference like no other, where the mix of attendees makes the core of the event, and gives it a relevance that it is not common to any other gathering.

I had the privilege and the honor to be interviewed by @HospitalPatient, e-patient Michael A. Weiss, to relate my vision and experience as a Surgeon, Innovator, Healthcare Futurist and GoogleGlass Explorer, being the first surgeon to ever use the device, answering his interesting questions and explaining the potential of this amazing technology in Healthcare and Medical Education.

Here is the interview http://youtu.be/mGTrDJbiNp8

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. October 7, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    No problem. Thxs


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