My profile

My Twitter handle is @ZGJR and that’s the best way to contact me.

I have travelled the world sharing my passion and expertise on Healthcare Innovation and Futurism.

I would be honored to be a featured Keynote Speaker in your next event.

My compromise is to offer up-to-date, engaging, exciting and energetic, professionally delivered presentations that immerse the audience in the topic of  Futurism in Medicine, Healthcare Exponential progress and the potential of technology to revolutionize the way we practice medicine and teach medical education.

I’m a General and Trauma Surgeon, Google Glass Explorer and mHealth-Telemedicine Innovator. In June 20th, 2013, I performed the first ever documented surgical procedure involving Google Glass.

My focus and passion is in the convergence of Innovation-Technology, Futurism and Healthcare Social Media (HCSM) to improve Healthcare delivery.

I’m a graduate of Singularity University/ FutureMed-Exponential Medicine program,  and know that the amazing development of technology and its smart use, will profoundly, positively impact our Health and our world in ways that are difficult to even imagine.

I firmly believe that Telemedicine, m-Health technology and Healthcare Social media will, very soon,completely redefine the way in which healthcare is delivered. Innovation in the application of remote presence to provide medical care, will cause a complete disruption of paradigms and allow for a much better system.

I have delivered four TEDx talks in the topics of Healthcare Innovation and Exponential Medicine, between 2011-2014, from Maine to Bermuda, discussing technology application and gadgets, from iPods in trauma to Google Glass.

As an active keynote/panel speaker, I have addressed  the American Telemedicine Association, HIMSS, HIMSSAP 2014, Cerner, Games for Health Europe 2013, Doctors2.0 2013 and 2014, the Stanford Summit/Medicine 2.0 Congress (MEDx) 2013, Samsung Research Institute and many other exceptional venues ( See footnote *). I had the honor to be featured in the October, 2014 issue of Maine magazine: “Embracing Technology for a Healthier Future” and the July, 2014 issue: “50 People Shaping our State“.

I was invited as a faculty, speaker and hands-on skills instructor at the American College of Surgeons 2014 Clinical Congress in the session: “Telemedicine, The Rapidly Expending Field of Video-Based Telemedicine”.



In my full-time, regular job as a surgeon I specialize in the wide spectrum of General, Trauma, Acute Care and Advanced Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery.

I’m part of a excellent group surgeons, working in Bangor, Me. , for Eastern Maine Health Systems. Our team covers all Trauma and Acute Care Surgery cases at EMMC, along with ELECTIVE surgery, including ADVANCED laparoscopic and SINGLE PORT ACCESS (NO SCAR) LAPAROSCOPIC and Robotic Assisted techniques. Along with two other surgeons, I pioneered the development of the robotic assisted surgery program at EMMC, using a DaVinci/Intuitive robotic platform.

Our team was responsible for EMMC becoming the first hospital in Maine to ever obtain verification by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) as a Trauma Center, back in 2005

I’m part of the teaching staff, as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, at University of Vermont Medical School and at UNE Medical School.



* Some of the multiple lectures and Keynote presentations related to this field, including  several TEDx talks (TEDxDirigo 2011 “iPod Teletrauma- the $229 130M sq ft trauma room”, TEDxDirigo 2013, TEDxBermuda 2013, TEDxYouth@JBMHS 2013), FEI (Fron End Innovation 2013), Samsung Research Institute mHealth conference 2013, Doctors2.0 2013, Games for Health Europe 2013, Stanford MedX 2013, M3Exchange 2012, Annual Advocate Injury Institute Symposium 2012, NEAH (New England Alliance for Health) 2012, Maine Health Tele-health Symposium, 2010, 2011, 2012, Maine Committee on Trauma (MCOT) 2010, 2011, 2012, American Telemedicine Association (ATA) 2012, Maine STEM Collaborative Summit 2012, Maine Health Systems, Cerner Health Conference 2011, Maine Telemedicine Summit 2010, 2011, 2012.

  1. charlotte alix
    May 20, 2013 at 10:55 am

    Hi Rafael,
    I am a French journalist living in NYC, currently writing about business applications for Google Glass. I’d like to ask you a few questions about MedRef for Glass and the potential of that kind of apps?
    How can I contact you?
    Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
    Charlotte Alix


  2. charlotte alix
    May 20, 2013 at 11:11 am

    Great! I’ll call you at 2:30pm. Thanks!


  3. charlotte alix
    May 20, 2013 at 12:18 pm

    No problem. 3pm it is.


  4. charlotte alix
    May 20, 2013 at 5:29 pm

    Yes, I got your email, thank you very much!


    • May 20, 2013 at 5:29 pm

      Thank u for interview. Would love to see final cut. Thxs


  5. Chris Vukin
    June 25, 2013 at 11:07 am

    Great work Dr Grossmann! How can we connect? I’m not sure how to DM @ZGJR


  6. Peter Moon
    July 26, 2013 at 1:13 am

    Hi Dr Grossmann we (Baltech Pty Ltd) are developing a 3D interactive haptic enabled total virtual human body simulation down to the tissue level of fidelity.The VH simulation is based on/uses real CAT/MRI scan data to construct the live ‘Virtual Human’. This outcome is not an animation nor an avatar. The VH Sim can be either gender, any age, alive or deceased, present dynamic ‘health issues’ ect. It has mobility, sound, personalisation ect. Would you be interested. We see the Google glass as one of many tools to access the VH Sim, for anatomy education, training, procedure preparation and practice ect.


    • July 26, 2013 at 5:13 am

      Very interested. Please follow me in Twitter and we will DM each other contact data. Thxs. @ZGJR


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